(sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
said: "My Shafa'at (intercession on the Day of Qiyaamah) is Waajib (on me) for the one who visits my grave."
(Right: Door to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) Resting place)
One morning after Fajr prayers we waited for the doors to the Ziyaarat area to open, and much to my delight, the ladies were actually being grouped according to where they came from. The Lady Shurta were holding up boards of different countries so you could easy join the appropriate group. I thought this is good, maybe we won't get squeezed in the Rawda this time round.
Once organized and the doors opened we went in one group at a time towards the old mosque which was built joining the house that hazrat Fatima Radiallahu anhuma lived in, this is also the same place where Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq (Father of Hazrat Aisha Radiallhu Anhuma) and Hazrat Omar al Farooq (The 2nd Caliph) are buried.
We entered the doors of the old mosque and with just the side of the raudha showing we sat down again waiting for the other groups that were inside to finish their ziyaarat and come out. While waiting we read some nafl salaah, and as many Salaam as we could while we waited.
We inched slowly forward as groups came out, coming ever closer to the raudha, constantly reciting the Salaams and duaas (to Allah SWT).
Finally our group was taken inside, but it was already packed with people we were not even in front of the raudha yet, just then another group entered into the already packed space, and pushed with all their might, making some ladies fall down while others were squashed. It appeared that the Turkish group had not waited for us to finish and came rushing and PUSHING in!!! what's worse is that they don't care who's infront of them they just PUSH!
I was squashed between a fat Turkish lady and another thin lady in front, and for a few seconds I could not breathe, I had to push myself sideways through the crowd and away from the raudha in order to breath again. I stood a distance away from the Raudha, not being able to see it properly, but read my Salaam, wanting to read my Nafl Salaah on the Green carpet which is said to be a piece of Jannah on the earth, but there was no space. Ladies were doing their sajidas on the backs or between the feet on the ladies in front, because there was just no space!
Luckily i found a corner that i went and stood in and the kind, big,Egyptian lady who was next to me gave me enough space to read my two Nafl. She spotected me so no-one fell on me. May Allah Bless her with all thats good, she really made me very happy that although there are people that will harm you there are always people that will protect you also. Just as i finished my Duaa, the lady shurta came and began to tell me to go out if I had finished. i then left the area and entered into another section of the mosque that had a few people in it. I sat there for a while reading more salaam and a few more rakaats of nafl Salah, and then walked back towards the ladies area, and back to the hotel till zohr Salaah.
Below is a picture of Jannatul Baqi (the graveyard adjacent to Masjid al Nabwi)
This cemetery contains many of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)'s relatives and companions. Its name means "The Garden of Heaven". Many traditions relate Muhammad issuing a prayer every time he passed the cemetery. Prior to the twentieth century, many of the graves were covered with domes or other structures.
After the city of Medina was taken by King Ibn Saud, many of these tombs, originally intended to identify famous companions of Muhammad, were destroyed in 1925 in order to prevent people from visiting them in order to seek a means of approach to Allāh (a request for blessings, in this world or for intercessions in the hereafter). This, (tawassul), along with reading chapters from Islam's holy book, The Qur'an, is considered by some as being Shirk, the sin of idolatry. Namely the governors of two, of the three, of Islam's holy places consider these kinds of visits as Shirk, and therefore it should be eradicated in all forms. This is the reason why there exists a threat to the House where the Prophet of Islam was born, and other such places that some consider sacred.[citation needed]
Taken from here
Trip to Makkah Coming soon Inshallah ....
ma shaa Allah, great post, with lots of informative information and lovely photos :)
May Allah accept your deeds and duaa ameen!
Jazalllah for this post sis, very beneficial for all of us out there:)
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